Stopping for a red traffic light at the intersection of Quirino Highway and Zabarte road in Novaliches, Quezon City, a motorcycle eased and stopped right in front of my vehicle with this dog precariously sitting behind the driver.
No belts, no straps, no worries. Just happily enjoying the joyride. The friendly doggie looked really comfortable and did not appear to be in any danger at all.
Glad to have my camera with me and quickly took a picture before the light turned green. They sped away and were gone in seconds. The dog grinned all the way lapping the curious attention from people and sprinkling saliva here and there. Life is good for this canine:)
This got me thinking. God has taken us on a joyride, too!
We are the dog, God is the driver and our God-given dreams is the destination. We began our joyride when we took the first steps in living a life of trusting in Jesus Christ.
I believe God wants us to go on an adventure with Him, like the dog, sitting and lapping it all up - mercy, grace, love, joy and endless blessings. We can never reach our God-given dreams without His help. When we act in faith by resting in His abilities and following His cues, we will enjoy the ride. But when you become restless and do your own thing, you actually endanger yourself by falling down.
Remembering, too, that I am a gentile (non-Jew), re-writing the book of Deuteronomy (the book of the law for Jews) would be totally meaningless, had it not been for Jesus Christ who made all the blessings this book contains available to us as well.
As gentiles, we were not originally part of the blessings and covenants. But through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, we were taken along for a joyride - wild olive branches lovingly grafted in so we can benefit along with Israel.(Romans 11:17) I am humbled and grateful that God would be kind enough to do it.
Riding along, we may feel uneasy as the driver maneuvers in twists and turns. And like the dog, we need to keep our balance at all times. After a few practice, centering our gravity becomes second nature. I noticed that the dog leaned hard on the back of the driver. I think that’s the key to successful joyriding.
Let’s lean hard on God who is more than enough to bring us gloriously to our destination - heaven’s best!
Nice insights PR! =)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much po:) whoever you are. May the Lord bless you abundantly, amen:)