Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Aquila's first attempt at writing.... on top of her daddy's notes!

My 2-year old Aquila asked me what I was doing. I told her I was writing the book of Deuteronomy.
Then I proceeded to open an account for blogging. While busy with my laptop, Aquila slipped in with her orange color pen and scribbled doodles over my precious writing. Displeased, I asked, “Aquila, what are you doing?”
She said, “uhmmm… writing…. Look daddy! I'm writing [a] book.”
It’s a good thing I did not scold her. I would have missed a precious moment with my daughter. Kids really do imitate their parents. It’s a scary thought. I pray that God would give grace to Aquila’s parents to be good examples for her to emulate.
I hugged her, kissed her and laid my hands on her head declaring, “Aquila, I bless you with the mind of Christ. May you fulfill all of God’s destiny for your life, in Jesus name, amen.”
Feeling more energized, I got back to setting up my blogspot and really hoping it wouldn’t be as complicated as I imagined. I’m a little overwhelmed by http’s, html’s, rss, web themes, pages, etc.
Looking back now, my feelings of helplessness were at best exaggerated. I thanked the Lord for blogger.dom for making it easier for non-techie guys like me. Also praised for my cousin Remo who encouraged me to start writing online. He’s become my “Jonathan.”
In life, we need little “pushes” to spur us on to fulfilling God’s call. They are God’s gifts to us. I have my wife Roj who’s with me all they way, lively daughter Aquila, and cousin Remo to get me started on my blogs.
How about you? Who are your encouragers? Take some time to appreciate them today. Hugs, kisses, words of appreciation or eating out would not be a bad idea. Have a God-filled day!

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